recognizes that your privacy is important. To demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and to explain the types of information we obtain about visitors to our website, how that information is obtained and used, and how visitors can restrict its use or disclosure, we have created the Privacy Policy below. The following discusses our information gathering and dissemination practices at
Information We Receive and How It Is Used:
All personal information obtained by about individual visitors to our website is information supplied voluntarily by that visitor. During registration, a user is required to provide certain categories of information, such as name, address, email address, a password, date of birth, gender, and country of citizenship. In addition, a user may choose to provide other categories of information, such as careerobjectives, health or disability information, hobbies, and other interests. encourages its users to provide all of these fields of informationso that users may maximize the effectiveness of the scholarship and collegesearch. We ask if we may make that information available to our select list ofmarketing partners, which are reputable companies and organizations thatprovide products and services of interest to students and parents. Our userschoose whether to opt in or opt out of sharing their information with thesepartners. When shares your personalinformation with a third party as described in this Privacy Policy, yourpersonal information will become permanently subject to the information use andsharing practices of the third party. That third party will not be restrictedby this Privacy Policy with respect to its use and further sharing of your personal information. If you agree to receive communications from our marketing partners and later change your mind, you may need to contact those companies directly. Any updates you wish to make to the information they possess must also be forwarded to the company communicating with you at that point in time.Users may make changes to the information in their personal profile at any time by logging in to the website and entering the emailaddress and password they submitted when creating their profile. After usershave logged in, they will be taken to their Profile. By clicking on that tab,users will be taken to a summary of their information, divided into sections.An "Edit This Section" option in the upper-right corner of eachsection allows users to modify and update their information. To protect thesecurity and integrity of users’ information, we will take reasonable steps toverify all new profile identities before providing access. It is theresponsibility of the user to make all necessary changes in their profile toensure the information they have provided while completing their registrationor conducting a scholarship search remains current. is committed tosafeguarding users' privacy on our website. We require our employees to protectour users and visitors by keeping their profile information private, and expectour marketing partners to do the same. You can feel confident that your userprofile will be protected when you visit We have securitymeasures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of alluser information under our control. Regardless of your decision regarding thesharing of your personal information, we reserve the right to share aggregateddemographic data and related usage information with our business partners. Suchaggregate information will not contain any personal information that canidentify any individual user.
If you are a middle or high school performing arts student in one of these districts, your school has already purchased a subscription for you. Contact your music teacher for details.